Yes, I admit, I am a beast. This process could happen on a more frequent basis. But I’m a bit of a Neanderthal and I like to get super hairy before I go back to see my favourite aesthetician, who usually recoils in horror when she sees me. Actually, that was only the first few times. She knows my jam by now. So she doesn’t flinch an inch. Aside from waxing being an added cost, it’s also not a pain-free procedure. There is hot wax in places there should not be. And then it gets ripped from your body, causing every muscle to tense up and pray for mercy. I’m guessing it would hurt significantly less if you didn’t wait until you looked like a bear. But here’s the thing. When you finally get that wax, and can actually see the skin beneath the layer of fur, you feel like a new woman. You’ve got smooth, silky legs, and feel like the possibilities are endless. So the next time you’re thinking about getting waxed, hold off as long as you can, because when you finally do, prepare for some serious satisfaction. Waiting until you’re a hairy beast to get waxed CHANGES EVERYTHING!